Welcome to our World!

Photography is not one of our areas of expertise, however remembering all of our furry friends is. Feel free to take a look into a day in the life of Canine Constitutional

Puppy Socialization

This is a litter of 4 in foster care, socialization training session 2. 

Follow us on YouTube for more training Videos. 

Loose Leash Walking Training

This is a foundation of loose leash walking, or no pull walking, training video.

Overcoming Insecurity

In this video we'll go over the steps I take to introduce dogs to novelty or to help them overcome a fear or insecurity related to specific stimulus. Broadly speaking this is the first half of the socialization process. The second half of the process would be to take what is learned in this video and apply it in context.

Invasive Handling

In this video we will go over a training plan that will be useful in overcoming behavior problems that stem from fear or insecurity of physical handling or use of space around the dog, invasive handling.

Fear of humans

Frank in foster care. We had been working with him on leash walking so he doesn't need to feel like he is being taken to slaughter whenever he wears a leash. Now it's time to help him overcome his fear of being touched by humans. This is his second session.

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